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Charlies Häst & Hund
“As you know, we have around 100 brands and generally everything sold well. This year there was particularly heavy demand for riding hats, for which of course new regulations have just come out,” said owner Anette Sjöström.
“A really great fair – our sales went better than ever!” This quote comes from a very pleased Karin Burhorn, Sales Director at Böckmann, which invested heavily in EuroHorse 2016.
Parelli Natural Horsemanship
“We had a tremendous response! We could see that many visitors were really wowed by what they saw,” said Marianne Hall Angerås from Parelli Team Sweden. It was the second year in succession they had exhibited at EuroHorse.
“Now we feel we have established our brand!”
Ulrika Alpedal, Sales Manager at fencing supplier Horserail, thought that EuroHorse 2016 represented something of a breakthrough:
“This is the seventh time we are here and now people are beginning to recognise our product, which makes selling it a lot easier.”