Active voucher codes
EuroHorse offers you the possibility to increase your exposure when you use our Arena Advertising. Our wide range of highly visible options at strategic locations ensures that your most important target groups see your message time after time, and sends more visitors to your stand.
-Nearly 85 000 visitors during five days.
Several potential alternatives that we offer:
Rollups entrances 3 000kr/each
Doors in entrance, main entrance 25 000kr
Floor advertising 2x1m in entrance 3 000kr/each. 10 000kr for 4.
Toilets 30 000kr
Placing of own material at specific spots 2 500kr/each
Ceiling advertising at the entrance from the competitions to EuroHorse 15 000kr/each. 25 000kr for 2.
Exclusive right to distribute give away bags/brochures/folders in the main entrance:
Wednesday 5 000kr
Thursday 5 000kr
Friday 10 000kr
Saturday 10 000kr
Sunday 10 000kr
Exclusive branding of cafes:
A hall 8 000kr
D hall 16 000kr
E hall 16 000kr
Do you want to be visible at Hotel Gothia Towers?
Make sure that everone that stays at Hotel Gothia Towers is holding your company name!
Keycard 50 000kr (to the hotel rooms during the fair)
Keycard holders 25 000kr
Floor advertising at Hotel Gothia Towers entrance 10 000kr
Contact us for more information and booking
[email protected] tel 031-708 80 36
[email protected] tel 031-708 80 67