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In January, the Swedish Public Health Agency and the government announced several infection control measures to reduce the spread of infection in the society. Several of these measures affect us as a trade fair organizer. The measures include strong public restrictions and strict rules on distance in addition to requirements of vaccination certificates.
At the beginning of January, EuroHorse informed exhibitors and visitors that we will wait until the end of January with information about this year’s fair, as there was hope that the community would soon reopen.
Unfortunately, we are still in an uncertain situation. The large uncertainty factor means that it is no longer possible for us to wait or continue planning of a possible opening of Eurohorse 2022. The health of visitors and exhibitors is our top priority and with respect for everyone’s planning, we are now in a situation where we unfortunately need to cancel EuroHorse 2022. It’s of course a very sad message, we had really looked forward to welcoming exhibitors and visitors to this year’s great horse party.
Today Gothenburg Horse Show also announces that they are cancelling their competitions, read more on their website.
Registered exhibitors at EuroHorse 2022 and you who have bought a ticket to the fair will be contacted via email shortly.
We look forward to seeing you at EuroHorse 23-26 February 2023! Take care.